School Fees and Bursaries
For Autumn term 2024, our fees are:
​Nursery: £5,316
(£4,173.60 where 15 hours are provided free via the Early Years Education Scheme*)
Pre-Prep: £7,138
Prep School: £7,712
For each of the Spring and Summer 2025 terms our fees (inclusive of VAT where applicable) are:
Nursery £3,987
(£3,130.20 where 15 hours are provided free via the Early Years Education Scheme*)
Pre-prep £5,986.20
Prep School £6,478.80
Each year the School Governors carefully review our financial forecast and the costs and financial commitments of St John’s. Fees are set at a level which allows us to meet our costs and any increases reflect the minimum appropriate to operate and maintain St John’s at the highest possible standards of quality.
Please note that 40% of total annual fees are due to be paid at the start of the autumn term with a further 30% due at the start of each of the spring and summer terms. Fees shown are subject to any changes to the proposed VAT treatment following conclusion of the governments consultation.
*St John’s participates in the 15 hours free Early Years Education Scheme. We strongly recommend full time attendance at our Nursery as an appropriate preparation for reception class at St John’s Full time Nursery fees, including lunch and specialist teaching for families who are eligible for and wish to claim 15 hours free at St Johns school are £10,434 PA; based on current funding rates. For further information please contact
Paying School Fees
Direct Debit is our preferred method of payment in which case the full fees for the term are collected on the first day that boys return to school.
You can download a Direct Debit mandate should you wish to pay by this method.
To ensure we are able to collect fees in this way please return your Direct Debit mandate to the School Office no later than two weeks before the start of term.
Parents who are already using this method of payment do not need to complete new forms.
Please note, the Direct Debit must be set up using the bank account of those who receive the invoice as we are unable to accept payments in the name of companies or other family members.
If you would like to spread annual fees across 12 monthly payments, St John’s has a relationship with School Fee Plan who will administer this for you. For more information and to join the scheme:
Should you intend to use this option, please ensure that you have registered no later than two weeks before the start of term. St John’s School is an introducer appointed representative of Premium Credit Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. School Fee Plan is a trading name of Premium Credit Limited (company number 02015200).
Fees in Advance Scheme
St John’s school offers a fees in advance (FIA) scheme for parents whose children are in the school, or who have accepted a place to start the at the school. This scheme offers a discount and, as it operates under current VAT rules, no VAT is currently due on payments made under the scheme, and it is hoped this this will remain so. However, in the event that a change to VAT legislation imposes a VAT charge on school fees, and this change either impacts payments already made into our FIA scheme (e.g. through anti-forestalling legislation) and/or results in an increase in school fees, it is possible that participants of the FIA scheme would not be protected from the change to VAT legislation.
Means tested bursaries are available. If your child is not currently a pupil at St John’s and you would like to apply for a bursary please contact If you currently have a child at St John’s please arrange an appointment to see the Headmaster by calling the office on 020 8866 0067 or emailing